Have you ever caught a phrase from someone that immediately resonated with you so much that over time it sort of became a mantra for you? One phrase in particular had that affect on me! LIFE LIVES IN WORDS.
From the beginning of my interest in self-help books and self improvement trainings I became aware of the impact WORDS have in our life. , Shad Helmstetter , in his book WHAT DO YOU SAY WHEN YOU TALK TO YOURSELF, talks about the impact of our inner dialog. He explains levels of self-talk and he calls Level I … The Negative Acceptance Level. When you say something bad or negative about yourself and you actually accept it.
Example: “I can’t or “If only I could….” — “Today is just not my day” or “I could never do that…” “I can’t lose weight…. or “I just don’t have the energy I used to have….” Most of these comments are based on our doubts, fears and misgivings. As harmless as those words or phrases seem they are in fact deadly; robbing us of our greatness.They’re often called Limiting Beliefs ….
These seemingly innocent little words create and fuel a negative image in our mind. If we allow them to be repeated, after time we believe those words and they become part of your identity. The good news is we can become aware of our self-talk and replace those limiting words and phrases with positive affirmations and empowering words.
Don’t you feel great when you receive a compliment or a friendly greeting? I always get a kick out of someone greeting me with, “and how are you young lady?”… it‘s instant fun and usually a smile is shared. They’re honoring my age with grace. On the other hand and to be honest with you, I am not so happy when someone calls me Honey or Dearie! WORDS!!!! Only words and Yet they have the power to lift or limit us. The other day I came across a list I had compiled a while ago of some of my favorite words. As I read through them I was encouraged by my selection and I thought I would share them with you.
My next step was to ask myself really honest questions. Questions that I know seek the best of me:
Replicate- legacy
A list of simple words and yet they gave me such clarity in the understanding of my needs, my roles, and my actions. Of all the words on my list my favorite one is KINDNESS. In another blog I will discuss ways to practice kindness but for now I end this blog with … a quote!
“I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” – Etienne de Grellet
Yes, Life Does Live in Words and it is time for all of us to write a loving, empowering and kind script for ourselves. Time to write the story of the life we love living. Why not share some of your favorite words or phrases? I would love to read your thoughts and comments.
Belief Kindness Loyality Honorable Joy Knowledge Caring Empowered and Empowering Accountability Respected and Respectful Encouragement … I’ll be going thru my day thinking of new postive thoughts and words to fill my mind and soul. ?