Have you ever had everything planned out and suddenly everything completely changed? Near the end of my recent trip, my flight was cancelled due to an impending snowstorm. Not only was the flight canceled there was word that all airports in the area of my destination would soon close.
Fortunately, I was able to book another flight home but the threat of this monster storm caused one delay after another. I was becoming extremely anxious causing my thoughts to focus on how bad the situation was getting; gloom and doom.
During the flight, before the plane was ready to begin it’s decent; I opened the window shade to see what was going on. It was a wonderful view; we were above the clouds and the sun was shinning. I could see we were flying above a fluffy thick layer of clouds making it feel so very peaceful to be “ABOVE THE CLOUDS”. I knew below it was cloudy and snowy but the peacefulness and beauty of this sunny site lifted my spirits. In that moment, I realized what a metaphor this was for life.
If we are to successfully make it through the set backs, derailed plans and disappointments which we EXPERIENCE in life, we have to stay above the clouds in our thinking… to LIVE IN OUR VISION NOT OUR CIRCUMSTANCES.
Of course things will go wrong, that’s life, but how we react to it is our choice. Successful people have learned to focus on their Vision (their dream) not the Circumstances. My intention was to get home and the results I wanted were to arrive home by the end of the day safely.
Have you taken the time to clearly define your Intentions? Have you decided on the results you want to create?
When you feel sidetracked in reaching the outcome you want to accomplish, ask yourself these questions:
- How am I using my strengths to support my goals?
- Am I focusing on what I am doing well?
- What am I doing right now?
- What’s working? Do I need to change it; come up with a plan B?
- Where do I feel absolutely strong? Do I have enough support in the areas that are not my strength?
Staying above the clouds is not allowing your self to get sidetracked and mired in circumstances but to be aware that there are always options available to help solve the problem…… Believing it is possible to find a way…. Over, Under, or Through the situation if we stay optimistic.
Making Positive Statements to declare all is good is also a wonderful way to NOT get bogged down by circumstances.
- “Everything always turns at right!”
- “I know what to do and I take action.”
- “Everything is going to work for my highest good.”
- “I do all I can with what I have from where I am.”
- “Today is a Perfect day for a Perfect day!”
When it rains all birds occupy shelter,
but an EAGLE avoids rain by
flying above the clouds.
The problem is common but the ATTITUDE to solve the problem makes all the DIFFERENCE!
Thank you Barbara for continuing planting seeds to remain vision-focused and rising above our circumstances.
Loved this! And so true. Its easy to forget and get bogged down in the gritty details and forget to live in our vision NOT our circumstances. Thanks for the reminder!
Above the Clouds! Thnak you so much for keep sharing your thoughts and knowledge.!!!!