For most of my adult life I have not only studied leadership but I’ve had a wonderful career in a leadership position; blessed to have had an opportunity to learn from some of the best leaders. People who defined leadership ‘simply‘, but ‘spot on’. The iconic founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics,
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What is Success?
When I was growing up there was a popular TV program. A quiz show called, the $64,000 Question. Contestants would be asked a series of questions and with each correct answer the Value of a question would increase… the objective was to keep correctly answering questions in pursuit of the top
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Five Books That Will Make A Difference in Your Business
Are you teachable? You know we do not have to walk alone in our path to success. I believe that in order to ROAR as a leader one has to consistently seek knowledge and wisdom from others who have successfully made their own mark in their careers. Knowledge is the
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