Most of us have seen or at least heard of the movie, Pay it Forward but how few of us take this idea further than just enjoying a well-done movie? The story line of this movie is about the effects of changing lives with acts of kindness. In real life
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You Can’t Out Perform Your Self-image
“THERE BUT FOR ME GO I” ….an interesting statement indeed! To me this is an ‘AHA’ statement ; one that seems to need to be read a few times to resonate. “THERE BUT FOR ME GO I” …. Often we wonder why we feel stuck or frustrated because we
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The Facets of the Crown
A crown, a title, the leader of the pack. The check you receive for work well done. Your crown may be financial, it may be filled with facets of growing others, it may look like having more freedom or choices than you had before. It could look like leading others
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