Today it seems everyone is talking about Legacy Leadership but I wonder is the meaning of Legacy truly understood? Webster’s dictionary defines legacy as, “anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.” We often think in terms of the past to define Legacy but legacy is not
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Reflections of Success
The other day I came across a copy of a monthly newsletter that I had published for my team. What caught my eye was the newsletter’s title: Reflections of Success. Reflections! I took a moment to reflect on my journey to Leadership. I thought of the mentors I had and
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It All Starts With Sparkle
IT ALL STARTS WITH SPARKLE…. Were you ever walking along and all of a sudden a shiny object caught your eye? You noticed something sparkling … it might have been an object on the ground twinkling in the sunshine or maybe you noticed something sparkling, or glittering when you were
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