It was in the early days of my career that I was given a book, AS A MAN THINKETH by James Allen. It was a tiny book presented at the conclusion of a training event and at that time little did I know how it would impact my life. Reading
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What does age have to do with it?
I recently read a song parody on the song, “What does love have to do with it?” The fun thing was the lyrics were changed to……“What does age have to do with it? The song parody was about the amazing singer, Tina Turner. What’s age got to do with it (got to
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Leaders Take the Power
I find it interesting to see how surprised people are when they hear me talk about a conference I have recently attended, or a course I have taken or a book I just read. There amazement is usually expressed with comments of …. “I thought you were retired”’ …. “Oh
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