In branding 2015 as my year of INTENTION I have decided to support it with a positive and bold statement to declare my power. ‘Hear me Roar’ has always been a powerful statement for me. A message I shared months back in one of my blog posts. This week I
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Above the Clouds
Have you ever had everything planned out and suddenly everything completely changed? Near the end of my recent trip, my flight was cancelled due to an impending snowstorm. Not only was the flight canceled there was word that all airports in the area of my destination would soon close. Fortunately,
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Are you ready to ride that bike?
My son recently celebrated a birthday and although he is now an adult I could not help but to drift back in time remembering his birthdays as a child. One birthday in particular vividly came to mind; the year he received his first two-wheeler bicycle! The look of joy on
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