Have you ever been in transition? New territory that you have no idea how your success will look in the new role? I know a good bit about that the last 18 months. As many of you know I fulfilled the role of a global direct sales leader for over
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Motivating versus Educating in Sales
I want to share with you a little story about a very sweet leader I once worked with. She was the kind of person you instantly wanted to like, to know, to watch to see where she was going. Fun, together, looking sharp. It just didn’t make sense to me
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Are you ready to Succeed Routinely?
Location, Location, Location! How many of us have heard that the key to success in buying or selling real estate is location, location, location!!!? These past few months I have been looking for a 2nd home and although I recently found a wonderful house… actually a dream house I did
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