Have you noticed how many articles books and blogs are written about Leadership? Each filled with tips and training nuggets to help you successfully lead. There are even many quotes and sayings on the topic. One oldie is: LEAD, FOLLOW or GET OUT of the WAY! I have seen that
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Let the Games Begin…
Would you like to hear my interview with Dana Wilde, host of The Mind Aware Show LIVE? …Today’s the day to REGISTER so you’ll be ready this FRIDAY to hear me LIVE and have all the information to hear my interview! You may have heard about The Mind Aware Show
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What is Old is Actually New…or Not Trendy but Tried and True
Have you ever experienced a time that validated what you were doing as being right even if your “right” was different from others? This week was the very example of that…It was a week filled with blessings. Now you’re probably imagining I did nothing but amazing things all week but
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