Are you ready to begin the New Year? I am sure you have plans to kick-off the year and are ready to make changes with your actions and behaviors but have you thought about your WORDS?
I truly believe ‘life lives in words’… the words we use to guide us through life need to be positive, encouraging, upbeat and up-lifting.
As I look back on the past two years of my life I realize although I had dreams hopes and plans I did not get the outcomes I desired. I thought it might have been that I did not specifically make a ‘declaration’ for the year. I realized that it was that I did not Brand My Year. You may be asking “What silly kind of statement is that; Branding your year?”
Please stay with me on this one as I explain. I have noticed that Words trigger thoughts especially demonstrated in commercials…. For example; ‘WHERE’S THE BEEF?’ NO MENTION OF THE PRODUCT but you quickly identify and picture a fast food hamburger.
Do you remember the commercial that asked ‘What’s in your Wallet?’ I bet right off the bat you thought of the Capital One credit card. The commercial initially did not talk about credit cards but the Words used painted a picture to connect us to the message…. And if you need one more example, how about ‘Can you hear me now?’…..Yes, its about cell phone service!
The commercials are what gave me the idea to brand my year. After evaluating why my past two years did not lead me to the positive outcomes that I wanted and which I was working toward, I realized I had been busy but not INTENTIONAL. (The definition of intentional… an adjective: done on purpose; deliberate.)
That led me to thinking about finding a word that would help to keep me focused on what I wanted to achieve… A word that would Create a picture in my mind. First I thought of the phrase Carpe Diem ….Seize the Day. Just thinking about that phrase immediately spoke to me of how I needed to take action and make every day count…to be purposeful and productive. That phrase then morphed into the word INTENTIONAL.
So it is decided, I am BRANDING MY YEAR with the word INTENTIONAL. I plan everyday and throughout the day to say “I am Intentional” in all I do and plan. My “To-Do” list is now my “Intention” List. I will only write on my list what I intend to accomplish. The repetitive use of this word will help program my mind with this message. Words spark your determination and creativity and choosing your words means you are choosing your world.
In the popular book, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter it is explained how powerful your words are. “You become what you think about most; what you say when you talk to yourself”.
“We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words and repetition impresses the subconscious and we are then master of the situation.” – Florence Scovel Shinn
‘It is repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. Once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” – Claude Bristol
My wish for you is for a very Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Why not share with me the WORD with which you choose to Brand your year?