I love affirmations and one that I am personally adopting is “Hear Me ROAR!”
I first heard this phrase many years ago in the lyrics of singer Helen Reddy’s song; I am Woman….hear me roar. Most currently, with Katie Perry’s song ‘Roar’….
Why would this be my affirmation of choice? I guess for many reasons but mainly because of transitioning to and thru the ‘retirement’ phase of my life and into another realm, I feel like I still have so much to say and so much more to do.
To me ROAR is a declaration to:
R – Dare to Risk so you can Rise
O –Realize there are Options in life and career that if taken lead to opportunities.
A – Accentuate the Positive – eliminate the Negative.
R – Reach… Reach out; Reach up and then LEAP
Risking might be allowing yourself to step into your power and confidently move forward…. Step by step. Maybe you are setting out to learn a new skill… changing a career or advancing in one.
I remember when I decided to change my career from a beautician to a Direct sales consultant I went from standing behind the salon chair to putting myself in front of a group of women. To me that was a Huge Risk….
That first step was the beginning of the RISE of my career…. The experience that was gained prepared me to feel comfortable today speaking in front of 1000’s of people.
Options are out their for all of us…. They really are opportunities wrapped in choice. To say yes to doing something differently or doing something totally different is part of the ROAR.
I am woman, hear me roar…. allows me to be positive about moving forward, to set up positive expectations and to rebound and regroup when necessary.
I have gone down what seemed to be dead end streets in pursuit of my goals but what I learned was they were really only detours…. There is always something positive that comes from a setback … the key is not to step back, not to quit but instead to REACH even higher. Keep Going!
REACH out to others for advice, maybe more training or just for encouragement.
Reach up to others who have already accomplished in areas that you want to succeed and learn from them.
When I first advanced to a level of TOP Leadership I claimed a song….It’s my Turn….the lyrics went on to say; It is my Turn to see what I can see. When I chose that song I was stepping out on faith… stepping into a new role knowing I still had so much more to learn. By declaring it was MY TURN it gave me strength and permission to dare to own my pow Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow.” – Mary Anne Radmacher
I am so grateful that over the years I gave myself that permission to keep growing, to keep taking on challenges so someday I could legitimately say…. HEAR ME ROAR!!!!
What are you daring to ROAR about? Let me know even if right now you may feel you only have a tiny “Gerrr “ for a ROAR but let it out anyway and let us hear it….. I am Barbara hear me ROAR!!!!!
Dear Barbra ,
Since your ” leaders take the lead ”
Retreat .
I have practiced ” beaming ” staying in a state of joy .
The results have been amazing.
Interesting enough, now I’m beaming from those results . And your ” cash game ” has stayed in my heart and mind.
Noticing what I’m noticing, success creates success.
Thank- you
Thank- you