Were you ever walking along and all of a sudden a shiny object caught your eye? You noticed something sparkling … it might have been an object on the ground twinkling in the sunshine or maybe you noticed something sparkling, or glittering when you were shopping and had to stop to look at it, touch it or even try it on. How about a reflection of light that caught your eye? Most often Sparkle is something out of the blue that you notice and for a moment it has your attention and then your interest.
What if you could have the same affect when you walked into a room, attended a meeting, when you meet with friends or when you were with your family? What if you had Sparkle?
The good news! YOU DO!!!! All you have to do is PUT ON YOUR SPARKLE.
What does Sparkle mean to you?
The dictionary defines Sparkle as:
- To be brilliant and lively: a sparkling wit
- To effervesce or bubble
- Brilliance; liveliness; vivacity (especially in a woman) the quality of being attractively lively and animated.
“Consider the fact that maybe… just maybe … beauty and worth aren’t found in a makeup bottle, or a salon-fresh hairstyle, or a fabulous outfit. Maybe our Sparkle comes from somewhere deeper inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and REAL, it doesn’t need gloss or polish or glitter to shine.” – Author, Mandy Hale
Something so Pure, Authentic and REAL….
This brings to mind one of my favorite Children’s books, The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams…. It is the story of a child’s favorite toy… a stuffed rabbit. This toy was so loved by the little boy that over the years it became worn from being held and cuddled. After the boy suffered a serious illness the toy was discarded but something magical happened to that battered and worn stuffed rabbit toy… it became REAL….
“What is REAL?”, asked the Rabbit one day. … “Real isn’t how you are made,” said another toy. “It’s a thing that happens to you when a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”
To me this is how we wear our “Sparkle”…. By being real, authentic, with confidence in the belief we are enough… with the courage to shine by LETTING our authentic selves show. To be kind hearted and to be others centered.
S … Shine brightly with confidence
P … Living your life on purpose with positive energy
A … Alluring, attractive, alive, amazing and audacious
R … Radiant, ready and remarkable
K … Keen, kind-hearted, keeping up with life’s possibilities.
L … Living lively, gentle and Real
E … Enjoying a life of being eager, exuberant and energized
So often we are told … To ‘Go-Up’ you need to ‘Show-Up’. I would add; To ‘Go-Up’ you need to Sparkle when you ‘Show-Up’.
How do you know you put on your Sparkle?
- You cease being affected by outside circumstances.
- You attract-like minded people… People in harmony with your dream.
- You step into your vision with confidence.
- You’re becoming the next better version of you.
WE put on our sparkle when we allow our authentic selves to Shine.
WE put on our sparkle when we Choose to be Confident.
WE put on our Sparkle when we Dare to be Decisive.
WE put on our Sparkle when we Boldly Believe in our dreams.
Landon Brinkley says ….“If I had a power color it would definitely be SPARKLE.”
I love your post, Barbara. Sparkle is definitely from within, coming out.
Barbara thank you for keeping me inspired with your so motivating words . I am working for myself to have that sparkle , time will come . I will burst that sparkle and I promise to get back to you the soonest . Meanwhile I will be sharing this to my bcs.. I am keeping in touch with you always . Thanks again .
Barbara — your words and advice ring true, as always. I didn’t realize I was living in S.P.A.R.K.L.E. but each of those letters and the traits they represent — I have intentionally tried to incorporate in my life so much more recently — and good things are happening. My team and sales are growing!! I am helping others even more!! Thank you for your blog!
Barbara…LOVE!!! You put into words what I have often felt. I am presently in Germany with my husband at the Global Gathering of the Council of Bishops of the United Methodist Church. With your permission I would like to share this at our Bishops’ Spouses Meeting. Blessings!
Dear Cynthia,
You are welcome to share! Safe travels. ~Barbara
Barbara Sunden….YOU are the epitome of SPARKLE! Thank you for your words. Thank you for your EXAMPLE. You have influenced my life in such a powerful, positive way. I am a better LEADER because of your influence, and your teachings. It was great being with you in Dubai last month. I cannot wait for my next opportunity to sit at your feet and drink in your wisdom.