I hope this title caught your attention because today I want to focus on the gift of Heartfelt Leadership; a reminder that you are AMAZING.
Most often we talk about Steps to Success, the ‘how to do it’ and ‘what to do’ but seldom do we talk about the truth of Excellent Leadership, which is in first ‘Believing in Yourself’. As many of you may know I love to travel. Long trips, short trips, trips for business or pleasure it does not matter; I love it all. On one of my last trips while I was at the airport buying a coffee before a noon hour flight I had an interesting experience. The young woman at the check out register asked me if I had been in the airport all morning. I immediately said, “no” and asked did she think I looked tired? She said, “No, you look beautiful.” and with that I must have had a strange, an unbelieving expression on my face because she immediately said, “If you can’t accept Beautiful always tell your self you are Amazing, because you are.”
So today I want to tell you that you are Amazing. I want for You to accept those words, own them; YOU ARE AMAZING! I believe that words of Encouragement lift and remind you of just how amazing you are.As Leaders you set the pace for others, you direct, train, mentor and coach but so often you find yourself acting like the energizer bunny; you just keep going. Going from day to day without realizing how remarkable you are.
A Remarkable Woman is strong and yet gentle she wears many hats in life; with career accomplishments, caring for family community and church. Giving to friends and family with care and concern and always remaining strong. At times do you find that more often than not you evaluate the success of your leadership by how productive you are rather than by the numbers of lives you have impacted? Do you take the time to commend yourself for the difference you have made in someone’s life? It might be when a child needs help with their homework or a just pair of socks; a friend who needs someone to talk to or a parent who needs care or a friendly visit. All the things we do that are the and then some in life; things that help others in addition to taking care of our own business and personal commitments.
John Di Lemme
This quote to me is what it means to be an Amazing woman!! I have a calendar that I love. On the top of each page of each month there is a word that describes what an AMAZING WOMAN is. It is a Beautiful list of lovely reminders…that you are an Amazing Woman….
- A Remarkable Woman
- A Strong Woman
- A Beautiful Woman
- A Wonderful Woman
- An Intuitive Woman
- An Authentic Woman
- A Successful Woman
- A Magnificent Woman
- A One of a Kind Woman
- You are the Kind of Woman who Changes the World.
How great if each day you select one of these reminders and think on the list and each day you choose one to use as a DECLARATION!
I AM A REMARKABLE WOMAN….I am a strong leader, determined yet soft and caring. Nothing can stop me ……..
Select one each day and say it out loud. Declare it and add your positive affirmation. This exercise will remind you that:
“The Emerging Woman…
will be Strong-Minded, Strong-Hearted
and Strong–Bodied…
must go together.”
~ Louisa My Alcott
What’s your declaration today? I would love for you to share your comment with me. ~ Barbara
Today I will be a Magnificent woman!
Dear Barbara, thank you, I receive that. You are a beautiful AMAZING woman!