“What would you say Leadership is?” Recently I posted a blog asking that question and in that blog post I shared what leadership meant to me…
In a few words, Leaders: LEAD… LIFT ….. and MODEL.
To LEAD means to take Responsibility ..to take action!
To LIFT means to Encourage … “If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. And everyone who receives it – young or old, successful or less-than-successful, unknown or famous – is changed by it.” – John Maxwell
To MODEL means to be the Example …“If your actions inspire others to dream more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
At the beginning of that blog I asked “What would you say Leadership is?”….and some of you answered with wonderful comments that I share below….
Jennifer Christie commented – I am so blessed to be part of a company where I can lead like that now! In my prior job, I was in senior management in a much different culture. Lifting and Leading by example is the only way to lead long-term.
Lori Honeycutt Gordon – A good leader is willing to do what they expect those that they are leading to do. They do not sit back and throw out orders to everyone. They listen to their team and try to see each person and what their life is like through non-judgmental eyes.
Alexandra Elizabeth Carpanzano shared – A leader should operate like a marching band major rather than an orchestra conductor… Going first yet alongside the team, setting the example yet sharing the lessons learned along the way, and always being with the team for every turn, change and full press – then the shared victory is just that…shared!!!
Dawn Wesenberg commented – For me, a leader shares their vulnerability as this demonstrates truth and integrity.
Magda Brady wrote – I believe a leader is someone who is Committed and Disciplined to work on self first seeking Godly wisdom through prayers and selective mentorship. To lead self first, to be the person he or she desires and envisions to be and to possess the qualities of excellence. Then they can attract others who are inspired to do the same for themselves. Servanthood is the way to lead. Being transparent, humble and willing to learn every challenge and obstacle as a wrapped opportunity to discover a new lesson on how to become better while celebrating every step of the journey.
Ladies thank you for sharing your thoughts on leadership. You have well defined it! So many great points were covered … Jennifer said – Lifting and Leading by example is the only way to lead long-term.
Lori said – A good leader is willing to do what they expect those that they are leading to do.
Alexandra said – Setting the example yet sharing the lessons learned along the way…
Dawn said – A leader shares their vulnerability as this demonstrates truth and integrity.
Magda said – I believe a leader is someone who is Committed and Disciplined to work on self first seeking Godly wisdom through prayers and selective mentorship.
What resonated with you?
What comments on leadership would you add ?
Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, believes “The highest calling of Leadership is to unlock the potential in others”.
I personally have enjoyed the role as a leader for most of my life and my greatest joy is mentoring, guiding and supporting others in their journey of becoming Beautifully Bold.