For about 3 years I have been posting motivational and inspiration quotes on FB. This (close-to daily) routine started out with the intention of focusing on quotes about Leadership; What it takes to be a Successful Leader.
I realized it is easy tell how well a post resonates with the readers by looking at the numbers of views, number of likes and comments. I found it interesting that Leadership quotes actually do not top the list of what people want to read (or share) including people in Leadership roles. It became apparent to me that anytime I posted an Empowerment quote or one that boosted Self-Esteem those posts views were off the chart.
I guess in a way quotes on Empowerment and Self Esteem were the important lessons on How to Succeed as a Leader. Understanding that people want to be Encouraged and want someone to Believe in them more than they seek direction.
When you know yourself you are EMPOWERED WHEN YOU ACCEPT YOURSELF YOU ARE INVINCIBLE. – Tina Lifford
Surround yourself with those who see greatness in you. – Unknown
“There is a powerful driving force inside every human being that once unleashed can make any vision, dream or desire a reality.” – Anthony Robbins
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs: The future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so.
Be Yourself no matter what other people think. God made you the way you are for a reason.Besides, an original is always worth more than copy!
You’ve got three choices in life: Give Up, Give In, or GIVE IT ALL YOU’VE GOT!
The strongest factor is self-esteem: Believing you can do it, Believing you deserve it, Believing you will get it.
Four steps to achievement: Plan purposefully. Prepare prayerfully. Proceed positively. Pursue persistently. – William A. Ward
“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you go; they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein
F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything and Run’ or “Face Everything and Rise.’ …… The choice is yours.
“You block your dream when you allow your Fear to grow bigger than your Faith.” – Mary Manin Morrissey
“Today I choose Faith over Fear and Trust over Doubt.” – Mary Sutherland
Let your Dreams be bigger than your Fears. Your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings. – from the Best Quotes
Go where you are celebrated not tolerated. If they cannot see the real value of you, its time for a new start. – Unknown
“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk than crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King. Jr.
“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” – Eclart Tolle
“Don’t forget a person’s greatest emotional need is to be appreciated.” – H. Jackson Brown
“When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you’re making a commitment and difference in that person’s life. Encouragement really does make a difference.” – Zig Ziglar
I hope you have enjoyed reading this list of quotes and it has helped to serve as an example of messages that empower. I have always felt as a Leader that our true service was to give HOPE to others. There are times as a leader that those you are leading will have to believe in your belief in them before they have the Courage and Confidence to believe in themselves. That is the Empowerment Factor in Leadership.
If your actions inspire others to; DREAM MORE, LEARN MORE, DO MORE and BECOME MORE than you are a Leader.” – John Quincy Adams
These are some of the quotes that were most ‘Liked’ …. I would love to read some of ‘your favorites’ that I can share on my FB posts.