Great leaders know their followers want 3 things …..
- Trust
- Guidance
- Hope
When it comes to Guidance I believe that sometimes that can cause some confusion. Understanding how to effectively guide your team is key to a Leaders success. Very often I receive a request to Coach or Mentor someone and usually after chatting with them I realize they are not really aware that there are differences in:
- Coaching
- Mentoring
- And being a Role Model.
In my career I have had all three; role models, coaches and mentors and along the way, I have also been a Role Model, a Coach and a Mentor to others.
When I was new in my career and first met my director her example had a huge impact on me. As I learned more about her and saw her lifestyle I knew I wanted to be like her. She was successful, had a lovely family, a more-than ‘just comfortable’ lifestyle and on top of that she made it all look so easy. I knew I wanted to imitate her.
However, if I had stayed star-struck with my Director and never got around to committing to my own dream and creating a plan to accomplish it, I would just have remained an Admirer. Keeping my director as my role model would have reduced her leadership to one of only Celebrity.
But she was a wise woman and began asking me a few questions about my dreams to help me clearly define my goals. She then became my Coach.
Coaching is ‘Performance Driven’, focusing on new skill development.
- A coach has a more structured approach…a set agenda.
- Task oriented focusing on specific issue ….. The coach has an objective/goals for each discussion.
- They are experts in coaching the best out of people. Never providing solutions – always asking questions which encourage the person being coached to do her own thinking and find their own solutions.”
My director guided my attitude, behavior and skills and did this by working with me to become a “problem solver”. She did not tell me what to do, instead, she helped me discover a better way to reach the outcome that I wanted.
A coaching relationship is for a short time and that is how it was with me and my Director. She guided me to the point of advancing to the next career level. Then she changed roles and became one of my Mentors. Mentoring is a power free, two-way mutually beneficial relationship. Mentors are facilitators and teachers allowing the mentee to discover their own direction.
She was there to continue to model a work/life balance and was there for me throughout my career with no need of a routine schedule. It was more informal and focused on my career development.
Over the years I have had some powerful mentors, people whom I admire and relate to. People who were the experts in the areas I aspired to and if I asked they were there to provide advice on a career next-step…..
Leadership is knowing how to continue a relationship with the people you lead by knowing when to change the Leadership role.
“Leaders should influence others in such a way
that it builds people up, encourages and edifies them
so they can duplicate this attitude in others.”
– Bob Goshen
30 Yrs… ago. We (the Wi Directors) choose you to be our guest at a red jacket retreat. Then as now you continue to live, lead, and inspire our company. I am thrilled to be a part of your SYSTEM. Though I am past the 60 yr. retirement age, I am still loving my career and find it fascinating. Looking forward to the next journey with you. Love and belief. Lets Go.
Thank you for being a role model, coach, and mentor to me!!!!! You are and will always be an inspiration to me! Love you! LaRonda Daigle