It seems as though life is a banquet yet some of us think that we’re the guest of honor, others seem to believe without any difference in the room, that their space is to handle the dirty dishes or to watch from the hall. Now don’t get me wrong, every job in life is important, but today we’re talking about belief in yourself. So much of success in life you have heard is between your ears. Are you listening to what you say to yourself? From my early days in a new role, I had to get past the fear of driving over bridges, making appointments, and the concern that a client might not like my services as a beautican. Guess what? The key to working with others is listening then leading with your skills, the key to working as yourself is to stop listening to what your fear is trying to persuade you and lead yourself forward with daily actions and focused outcomes and measureable goals!
Every day I suspect you choose what you put into your coffee, tea, or cup. Why not take the same care for what you allow and put into your mind? Leaders take the lead. They become aware of what is in their vision of the outcome they seek. They spend time learning, seeking information from those ALREADY DOING what they seek to do. They take care not to listen to others who are not doing the goals, and may be naysayers instead of proactively reaching their goals. Who you hang about is truly what you become comfortable being. Choose to think thoughts that affirm and encourage you. Choose to spend time about individuals who bring energy and drive to your day. Choose to DO actions not have reactions. It is true that leaders take the lead, they go forward, they try new things, they do not accept that their goals cannot be done and very often meet new goals are exactly what they do!
Your life is a banquet of choices. Today, this day, I encourage you to take the cover off the main dish, to know that you have the ability to choose exactly the life you desire, that you are willing to do the work for, that you are worthy of any choice you desire and it begins with re-visionalizing that the banquet isn’t a “I wish it could be mine” but already has your name at the table, it’s time to receive your invitation to the banquet of life and attend with expectancy, prepare for the joy of it and step into your best life.
The joy of a good banquet is that EVERYONE comes to the table. Each person sits at a place that is especially set for them. There is enough food and sustanance for all. Let’s begin to see success as a banquet shall we? A leader knows that at the best gatherings every light shines, every heart celebrates the accomplishments that they earned individually but made the whole stronger, brighter, and more delightful to be a part of. Each of us have gifts and talents, it’s our job as leaders to not only learn to engage ours, but to encourage the gifts and talents in others! Let the banquet begin!
Leaders take the lead!
We’re gathering in September for the Beautifully Bold Fall Retreat. This is the final days of registrations. I wanted to also share with you that I am seeking 15 teams of 15 or more individuals who work together, are cohorts, friends, or on staff together. We’re planning a very special experience in the Poconos in September, but we have a whole year of exciting things to share! The $299 inclusive price of hotel (double occupancy), meals, and registration has created a way for every team who seeks to come to be with us! Hurry! Registration closes the 17th! Have a question? Brenda will be happy to answer any specific needs you have. We have such a wonderful two day retreat planned, the banquet of preparation is already in process! Leaders take the Lead!
Special Incentives for Beautifully Bold:
Bring 3 with you and you’ll receive the By-Invitation-Only Coffee with me!
Bring 7 with you and you’ll receive the Special Coffee time with me, as well as a professional picture with your group!
Bring 15 or more with you and you’ll be at the Special Coffee, Receive a Group Professional Picture, and an Opportunity to work with me during the 2015/2015 Programs as well as your group will have a Leadership Call with me after the event to work on your group’s goals!
*** We’re looking for Emerging and Elite Leaders for a special offering in Spring 2016*** Qualifications include the desire to move your business forward and to engage your leadership at a new pace and level. To be included in the upcoming news on this Leaders Take the Lead Emerging and Elite Leadership experiences write to [email protected] and ask to be considered to be a part of this brand new experience for 2016!