It seems of late that everyone wants to go from ‘Zero to Hero’ to be an overnight success. When that does not happen, many people give up on their dreams much too soon. They fall into the land of discouragement not realizing that growth takes perseverance. Success is not all of a sudden!
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” – Thomas Edison
If Walt Disney had quit too soon (after his theme park concept was trashed 302 times by the opinions of others) there would be no Disneyland. If Howard Schultz gave up after being turned down by banks 242 times there would be no Starbucks.
I had a wonderfully successful career for many years but there were times when I, too, felt like I was not reaching the goals I had set. Fortunately I kept at it even when I felt like I was not making any progress. I learned to do the dance of success; ‘2 steps forward and 3 steps back’ and continued to take action even after a set-back.
There is a wonderful story that motivated me to keep going during my times of trials; to keep pursuing my dreams even when there was no evidence of the success I was seeking. The story of bamboo tree.
The Chinese people plant a bamboo seed. They water it and fertilize it — nothing happens. The second year, they water and fertilize it — nothing happens. The third and the fourth year they water and fertilize and still nothing. The fifth year they water and fertilize it and something happens during the course of this year. In a period of 6 weeks, the Chinese Bamboo Tree grows roughly 90 feet!
The question is: Did it grow 90 feet in six weeks or did it grow 90 feet in five years? Had they not applied water and fertilizer each year, there would be no Chinese bamboo tree! It was growing during the 5 years. Underneath the ground an enormous network of roots was developing which would support the bamboos sudden growth. If the farmer had not continued nurturing the seed with water and fertilizer during the 5 years it would have died. Growth takes perseverance. Every step you take has an impact …you my not see the change happening right away but growth is happening.
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true? Willing to take the action necessary each day? Willing to push past your doubts and fears?
“The only thing that happens overnight is recognition not talent.” – Carol Haney
It has also been said that success is a marathon not a sprint. Right now you are closer than you think to your success. Keep your eye on your dream.
As Henry David Thoreau said, “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live a life which he imagined, he will meet a success unexpected in common hours.”
Thank you so much for wisdom:) I appreciate your mentoring me from afar.
I have always been a winner! My mother and daddy raised my siblings and I to work hard and with absolutely focus and passion. To never give up. When faced with adversity it’s hard to lose sight of your dream. Someone once told me without a dream in your heart your just a shell! I’ve learned to get back up everytime I’ve been knocked out, and that asking for help as long as you’re reaching up is ok. Thank you Barbara Sunden for equipping leaders with the tools to get back up on our feet faster. I am an Excecutive Sr Sales Director of Sr NSD Cindy Fox. She sings your praises! My dream is to see my Sr NSD/bf finish diamond inner circle this seminar year 2016. Also for my unit to be a million dollar Unit this seminar year propelling us to finish National by seminar 2017. My blood truly runs PINK! My dream is BIG, but my GOD IS BIGGER! Thank you for allowing me to share.
Thank you Barbara for your affirmation! I just shared this very same message at our Fall Advance last weekend! We were at Bayview Wildwood Resort again and thought so fondly of you and having our many retreats there! Thank you again for your Mentorship! I hold it all so dear in my heart!
Blessings to you my beautiful friend! ??