It’s done, another of my yearly traditions completed! I just finished watching the movie classic; It’s a Wonderful Life. I love this movie and each year I watch it at Christmas time. It is a great story filled with lessons on character, and the difference one person can make with
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Are You Ready to Play Like a Champion?
Thinking back over an enjoyable evening with friends, I realized why I felt the time spent with them was so up-lifting. The conversation was filled with upbeat, and positive energy. I guess you can boil it down to the fact that I was in the company of Champions. Champions are
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Give Up To Go UP
The count down is on ….only 21 days left in 2015! Interestingly most people are thinking of just getting through the final weeks of this year so they can begin anew in the New Year. After all isn’t there a tradition of New Year’s resolutions? Why is it that we
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